Case Specific Workshops
Be a better storyteller. Become a better lawyer.
Contributing to our clients’ successes in the courtroom.
Over $38.1 MILLION in awards since 2022.
Acting for Lawyers 101
Transform your opening statement in just 4-hours.
Writing your opening statement was a challenge, but prepping your performance for trial is a completely different (and more daunting) feat… Where do you start? And how are you going to establish trust with your fact-finder?
Present an opening statement that establishes your credibility and compels your fact-finders to act on behalf of your client- don’t go to trial without this!
LIMITED to 4 participants

Cross Rehearsal Room
Get a leg up on your next depo or cross.
Stressing about an upcoming cross with an expert or difficult lay witness? We’ll save you the sleepless nights. Imagine having the equivalent of one week of case prep in only 12.5 hours. Join expert trial consultants and like-minded attorneys to help you find new angles and eliminate holes in your narrative before you even set foot in the courtroom.
LIMITED to 3 participants.