Cross Rehearsal Room Sales Page2024-06-07T12:09:05-07:00

What they’ll never see coming…

Expose your opposing witnesses’ kryptonite

Cross Rehearsal Room: Next Level Trial Consulting For Lawyers

Cross Rehearsal Room:
Next Level Trial Consulting

Feeling pre-trial anxiety? Dreading the challenge of facing off against a tough expert or a slippery lay witness? Whether you’re new or experienced- it happens to every trial lawyer.

And why wouldn’t it? You’re up against “Goliaths”, it’s you vs. ALL OF THEM. No matter how many hours you put in, your opposing counsel will always have more manpower AND more resources than you. They’ll whine, intimidate and stop at nothing because they’re banking on you to leave money on the table or fold completely.

But what the other guys don’t know is you’re not backing down. The facts are on your side and you’re ready to go all in and fight for the verdict your client deserves.

Who teaches
Cross Rehearsal Room?

Cross Rehearsal Room is co-created and led by Steve Hohman and Olivia Espinosa.

We’ve been cross-examined over 1,500 times by attorneys in 30 states, Canada, and the UK. That’s just as much, or MORE, than any expert witness you’ll ever face. The difference- we want to use our powers for good. Since 2022, we’ve consulted on cases resulting in over $38.1 MILLION in awards and a full acquittal– eliminating a 100-year prison sentence.

We know what makes a witness tick (for better or worse) and the techniques to transform them into a teaching tool for your narrative. We’re not your typical trial consultants. This is the POV you’re missing and won’t find anywhere else. From understanding your opposing witness to your audience- we’re itching to pass our insider info on to you.

Cross Rehearsal Improv for Lawyers

What if… there was a way you could beta test your cross questions, find new angles and eliminate holes in your narrative before you’re in trial and it’s too late.

Lawyer's Improv Workshop | Improv for Lawyers Near Me

What you’ll gain…

This is your ‘rehearsal room’ to cross your most difficult witness with actors realistically playing the part.

  • Master tactics to effectively challenge experts lacking in morals and ethics.

  • Constructive cross techniques to get your witness on “the yes train.”

  • A three-step formula to create memorable sound bites that resonate with your audience.

  • Identify and tackle the hidden weaknesses in your story to strengthen your case.

  • The Jedi mind trick to turn a bad answer into a valuable opportunity.

  • Invaluable insights into the emotional impact of your approach on both the witness and the fact-finder.

What you’ll get…

  • Simulated cross with actors playing your witness- realistically.

  • Peer collaboration saving you hours of prep time and problem-solving.

  • An insider look at how other attorneys would cross your witness- so you can STEAL what works for you.

  • Time-saving tools for creating a cross with limited lead time.

  • Storytelling techniques to increase your credibility on opening.

  • An arsenal of new questions, chapters and word choice to lock the opposing witness into YOUR narrative.

Cross Rehearsal Room: Next Level Trial Consulting

Increase your trial team by 4 – without 4x the money!

Before you register, let’s talk about how it works…

  • Start by booking your free 30 minute 1:1 consult. Tell us about your case and your witness. Then, we’ll tell you how we can help- no strings attached!

  • After registration is complete, you’ll receive a form to fill in the important details of your case and the witness you’d like to rehearse.

  • Once the class begins you’ll be expected to workshop up to 15 minutes of a different participant’s depo or cross each week.

  • Sessions 1-3: Round robin crosses with Steve or Olivia playing the witness
    Session 4: Opening Statement day
    Session 5: Cross redo day

Acting for Trial Lawyers Near Me | Haus of Improv
Legal improv training | Improv for lawyers


When: Based on your schedule
Where: On Zoom
Includes: Five, 2.5 hour sessions
Cost: $899

Here’s a sneak peek of realistic crosses we’ve done…

What participants are saying about Cross Rehearsal Room…

Who We’ve Worked With

DUI Defense Lawyers Association
Lawyer's Improv Workshop | Minnesota Board of Public Defense
Dallas Bar Association
Trial Lawyers University
Corporate Training | Alaska Association for Justice

Is Cross Rehearsal Room right for me?

Cross Rehearsal Room: Next Level Trial Consulting For Lawyers

Cross Rehearsal Room is NOT for you if…

  • You’re looking for a magic pill to win every case, every time.

  • You think the job of an actor is to lie.

  • You’re not interested in constructive cross techniques.

BUT Cross Rehearsal Room is perfect for you if…

  • You know that there’s no such thing as “winging it” in the courtroom.

  • You’re a truth seeking attorney ready to make a difference in your client’s life and help others do the same.

  • You’re open to feedback so you can become a better advocate for your client. 


Get reusable chapters, questions and word choice for future cases.


Iron out the wrinkles in your opening or closing argument.


Trial consulting | Haus of Improv


When: Based on your schedule
Where: On Zoom
Includes: Five, 2.5 hour sessions
Cost: $899 

Frequently asked questions…

But you’re actors. How can you help me?2023-11-13T16:56:03-08:00

We’re not lawyers. Isn’t that refreshing? In fact, your jury members are almost never lawyers, either. So it’s just as valuable to get non-lawyers input. As actors we’re in the business of understanding how we affect an audience.  We’ll let you in on how you make your witness and fact-finder feel, so you don’t have to wait until deliberation.

What if I don’t have a case coming up but just want the practice?2023-11-13T16:51:16-08:00

Do you have a past witness that haunts you at night?  Well, don’t let those experiences hold you back. This is your chance to revisit and conquer those demons!

Can I take the class if I’ve never been to trial but have one coming up?2023-11-13T16:48:46-08:00

Absolutely. This workshop is part of your preparation. It’s a great way to see how seasoned lawyers approach your case, as well as their own.  Additionally, you’ll be challenged to prepare crosses for two other cases.  The amount of realistic live cross-examination experience you’ll get in this class is a great way to shake off any first trial jitters and find the best way to serve your client.

How do you know how to play my witness?2023-11-13T16:44:52-08:00

Steve and Olivia have been cross-examined over 1,200 times. As career actors, we have extensive experience creating characters based on real people. We have one goal- to make it realistic.  We look for specific details that help us understand motivation and ethical boundaries, so we can anticipate how a witness will naturally react to your tactics.

“Steve and Olivia, this is a profound service you all provide. Your range of characters, personalities and behaviors are off the charts. You guys are game-changers!”- Mike S., Personal Injury Lawyer, Atlanta, GA

I don’t want to share real names and details about my case. Is that okay?2023-11-13T16:40:41-08:00

Although it’s ultimately the lawyer’s responsibility to disguise any sensitive information, we strongly suggest changing the identities and specific details of your case to ensure the confidentiality.

What do I need to prepare?2023-11-13T16:37:04-08:00

Initially you’ll supply us with the details of your case and any helpful documents. We’ll then create a synopsis to share with the other attorneys in the class. During the course you’ll workshop 2 other crosses in addition to your own. Each participant is expected to prepare and perform a 15-minute cross-examination for every case. One session is also dedicated to presenting up to 10-minutes of your opening statement or closing argument.

What’s your cancellation policy?2023-11-13T16:31:43-08:00

Cancellation Policy: Once a participant is registered with payment, any cancellations made 30-10 days prior to the workshop date will be subject to a 25% cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations less than 10 days prior to the workshop.  However, if you change your mind within 48 hours of purchase, we will refund your full amount.

Additionally, you may be able to transfer your enrollment to another trial lawyer. Due to the small group nature of the class, the personalized scheduling, as well as the preparation for your case synopsis, we do require that any notification of a transfer is sent a minimum of 7 (seven) calendar days from the start of the session.

Can I observe a class?2023-11-13T15:09:04-08:00

Due to our privacy policy for registered participants, we do not allow non-registered participants to observe or audit our workshops.

I’m nervous performing in front of my peers. Is it a safe environment?2023-11-12T12:21:17-08:00

We get it. We still get nervous before performing on stage. In addition, receiving feedback from your peers can be uncomfortable. All feedback is guided to be constructive, respectful, and positive so you can feel safe and supported during the learning process. That’s our #1 priority.

Everyone in the class is there to learn and to offer advice to one another. You’ll learn just as much by watching your peers perform and you’ll want to give them the same encouraging feedback they gave you.

What kind of lawyers do you work with?2023-11-12T12:20:28-08:00

Although we primarily work with plaintiff’s, family, and criminal defense trial lawyers, we believe this workshop will improve any lawyer’s ability to succeed in their practice. Our participants have spanned 30 states, Canada and the UK.

What if I can’t make it because I’ve got a trial coming up?2023-11-12T12:15:24-08:00

Right before trial is the perfect time to take this workshop! THIS IS PART OF YOUR TRIAL PREP.  We’ll be working on your real-life case (just tweaked to protect any sensitive info).  The feedback you’ll receive can be applied immediately so you can avoid making costly mistakes at trial.

Is this effective on Zoom?2023-11-12T12:02:13-08:00

Yes!  Just like depositions or trials via Zoom have become an effective way to conduct your practice, so has learning trial skills.  We’ve perfected the experience so the virtual environment melts away. The win- all the benefits of a trial skills class without sitting in traffic. Plus, you can meet attorneys from all over the country!

Check out these quotes from participants about the zoom environment:

I like seeing other attorneys from other areas work and learning from their feedback–new faces and voices instead of local colleagues.- Fred B., Kansas City, MO

People complain about Zoom, but I think it’s great! It’s the platform where busy lawyers can fit workshops and feedback sessions into their schedules.- Susie I., Berkeley, CA

Yeah, as much as I enjoy the in-person stuff, I can’t travel as much anymore and need to warm up to Zoom as a ‘reasonable accommodation.’ And frankly, the HOI teaching, coaching, and mentoring is very engaging via Zoom.- Kevin K., Northampton, MA

Can I do one-on-one work with you instead?2023-11-12T11:53:55-08:00

Absolutely! We offer one-on-one coaching based on your unique schedule.  Please contact for more details.

Do you offer scholarships?2023-11-12T11:53:12-08:00

Yes, we offer scholarships for certain circumstances. To find out if you qualify please email

Having issues with your purchase? Still not sure if this is for you? That’s OK! Contact Us and we’ll answer any other questions you have.

Don’t leave $$$ on the table because the opposing counsel has more resources. Try this instead.


Haus of Improv | Lawyer Improv Workshops


When: Based on your schedule
Where: On Zoom
Includes: Five, 2.5 hour sessions
Cost: $899

Cancellation Policy:

Once a participant is registered with payment, any cancellations made 30-10 days prior to the workshop date will be subject to a 25% cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations less than 10 days prior to the workshop.  However, if you change your mind within 48 hours of purchase, we will refund your full amount. 

Additionally, enrollment for our online courses are fully transferable up to 24 hours before the workshop. Just reach out to us to let us know if you’d like to have a colleague take your space or transfer your registration to a future online session.

View our Disclaimer Policy HERE.

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