We’re career actors, directors and playwrights. Our mission is to give a voice to the voiceless–and we know it fuels you too.

Whether you’re a personal injury, family law, or criminal defense attorney, becoming a better storyteller will help you become a better advocate for your clients.

And we’re passionate about helping you represent David’s facing Goliath- sparking positive change in your client’s life, the legal community and the world.

Since 2022 we’ve helped attorneys score a lot of WINS. And no WIN is too small to celebrate. Here’s just a few:

Michelle unlocked the secret to painting the picture of damages.
“Now I finally know how to get damages in my case! Your exercises showed me how to turn a conclusion into a concrete fact. I understand how to paint the picture of my client’s life and all that was lost.”

Bibi put down her notes and made an engaging connection with her audience.
​“I am a habitual note reader. I’ve never learned how to put it down and speak and engage with my audience effectively. Learning from actors and what they do, I’ve been able to take a bit of that on. I haven’t looked at my notes in court since.”

Vince secured a 100-year acquittal for his client.
“I was well-prepared to deal with this witness after our sessions. It’s a good thing I did it cause I’ve never seen anything like her in my life. This case would have ruined my client’s life. It pays off.”


We’ve got the POV you’re missing- from your opposing witness to your fact-finders. As theater makers, it’s our job to be hyper focused on the story and how it resonates with an audience. And let’s be real, without the audience’s buy-in, we don’t have a show, and without your fact-finders on board, you can’t win your case.

No matter where you are in your trial process, we’ve got you covered with:

  • Improv Classes: Sharpen game-changing trial skills without the courtroom pressure.
  • Case-Specific Workshops: Bring us your case and we’ll get you so well-prepped for trial your opposing counsel starts waffling (we’ve seen it happen!)
  • Trial Consulting: If you need help crushing your opening statement, getting your not-so-easy-to-manage client ready for the stand, or finding the kryptonite that’ll take down an expert witness- we’ve got the expertise you need.

From intakes to closing arguments, we’re here to serve you and your client.

Check out these attorney’s WINS: