Hot yoga is my thing. We’re talking 105 degrees.
And if you’re into testing your limits to the point where you think you’re going to have a heart attack, I totally recommend it.
But while your organs are slowly simmering in a hot pot, maintaining your focus and staying in the moment doesn’t have to be torture.
Let me show you–
Imagine you’re standing on your mat. You can smell the sweet scent of lavender oil from the diffuser. You’ve had a stressful day, and you’re ready to be guided through a physical meditation that’ll get you centered and energized.
Teacher #1: “Let us embark on our journey of mindful movement and inner discovery.
Jackknife your feet and create a little shelf for your heart. Now close your ribs and slowly melt to the floor.’
Ok, before you roll up your mat and ask the teenager at the front desk for a refund, let’s pause here.
Now let’s try Teacher #2:
“Let’s begin.
Press your feet firmly on the floor. Shoulders back.
Exhale. Fold forward.”
Notice the difference?
If you were confused by teacher #1’s directions–me too! And I’m a 200-hour certified yoga teacher! (Yes, those were real examples).
So, what does this have to do with lawyering?
When it comes to telling your client’s story in the courtroom– stick to being Teacher #2.
Why? Because, at the end of the day, just like a yoga teacher, your job is to guide your audience toward the desired outcome— from child’s pose to savasana or voir dire to closing argument, making the process tortuous for your listener is up to you.
Clear and direct language is going to give your audience of fact-finders:
- Clarity: Straightforward, easy to understand for all backgrounds and levels of education.
- Focus: Keeping interest by minimizing confusion and rabbit holes.
- Confidence: They have to know what you’re saying in order to be confident fighting for you in deliberation, right?
- Consistency: It’s a lot easier to be consistent with your language if it’s not fancy.
***Bonus benefit: It’s a time-saver! Using accessible words helps you bring complex concepts to life clearly. No more backtracking for anyone who’s lost or fallen behind.
If you’ve ever said any one of these things, here’s some alternatives:

And these are just some of the rabbit-hole culprits we’ve come across.
Whether you’re a new lawyer or well-seasoned like dry rub BBQ, I’m sure you’ve felt the slow 105-degree burn of losing your jurors (or witnesses). Because most lawyers don’t realize they’re using words or concepts that aren’t accessible to laypeople aka witnesses and jurors.
That’s where we come in!
Clear, direct and engaging storytelling is our specialty.
Check out our about page to see how we know what we know, and the $$$ results.
If you’re ready to start working on your next case narrative that gets your listeners wanting to take action, schedule a free 30-min consult HERE. Tell us about your case and we’ll tell you how we can help-no strings attached!