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Why Trust Us

Cross Rehearsal Improv for Lawyers

Who We Are: We’re Steve and Olivia. Career actors who’ve been cross-examined over 1,500 times by attorneys in 30 states, Canada, and the UK. That’s as much, if not more, than any expert witness out there. The difference? We’re on a mission to use our powers for good. We want to help you use powerful storytelling techniques to create powerful outcomes in the courtroom.

Our Track Record: Since 2022, we’ve consulted on cases resulting in over $38.1 MILLION in awards and a full acquittal– eliminating a 100-year prison sentence.

What Fuels Us: Giving a voice to the voiceless. And we know it fuels you too. We’re passionate about helping you represent Davids facing Goliath- sparking positive change in the legal community and the world.

Who We’ve Worked With

DUI Defense Lawyers Association
Lawyer's Improv Workshop | Minnesota Board of Public Defense
Dallas Bar Association
Trial Lawyers University
Corporate Training | Alaska Association for Justice