Acting for Trial Lawyers 101 Sales Page2024-10-07T14:09:51-07:00

What no one ever tells you about your opening statement…


Acting for Trial Lawyers 101

Acting for Trial Lawyers 101:

Crafting your opening statement was tough, right? But now, the real challenge: delivering it in court. Where do you start? What’s the best way to ensure you’re delivering an engaging story, not a boring lecture?

Chances are you’ve looked for answers in these places, only to hit these common roadblocks:

  1. Courtroom Feedback: Let’s be honest, most of the feedback you get in court comes from your adversaries or the jury- after trial is over. It’s either not helpful or too late.
  2. Advice from Colleagues: Useful? Maybe. But you’re probably getting advice about what worked for them, not what will work for you.
  3. Law Books: While there’s lots of books out there on opening statements, most don’t give you a recipe that directly translates to your work.

So, when none of those are right for you, what’s left?

Who teaches
Acting for Trial Lawyers 101?

Acting for Trial Lawyers 101, is led by career actors and trial consultants, Steve Hohman and Olivia Espinosa. Since 2022, we’ve consulted on cases resulting in over $38.1 MILLION in awards and a full acquittal– eliminating a 100-year prison sentence.

We created Acting for Trial Lawyers 101 after over 10 years working with attorneys in 30 states, Canada, and the UK. Along the way, we noticed a common struggle even among the strongest lawyers- balancing a script while keeping their audience engaged. They’re the same issues we have as actors. The difference? We have well-established methods to overcome common storytelling obstacles… and we’re ready to share them with you.

Acting for Trial Lawyers

Imagine having a tried-and-true method, along with perfectly tailored, personalized feedback that’s 100% applicable to the demands of your opening statement.

From mediocre to outstanding.
Robotic to confident.



Acting for Trial Lawyers Near Me | Haus of Improv

What you’ll learn…

The step-by-step method a professional writer/director/actor would use to design and deliver a compelling opening statement. No cheesy gimmicks. Just real storytelling-based techniques you can use for every opening statement (and closing argument) you have for the rest of your career.

  • 1

    The #1 killer of credibility, and how to avoid it… it’s NOT what you think

  • 2

    3-step formula to creating an honest and compelling performance without over-the-top drama

  • 3

    Easy to use techniques to make words on a page (even ones you didn’t write) sound natural

  • 4

    The process of applying these skills using a real-world example that’s popular in the media

  • 5

    Top tricks to get out of your head and offload public-speaking jitters

What you’ll get…

  • Confidence Boost: You’ll be prepared with the tools to adjust on the fly- like when the judge cuts your time or your powerpoints fail… ‘cause isn’t it inevitable?

  • Peace of Mind: No more glossing over important details that truly matter to your audience

  • Toolkit: A downloadable PDF containing all the tools covered in the course so you can access them over and over again

  • Rehearsal Space: 10 minutes of uninterrupted time to present your upcoming or past opening statement (oral arguments welcome) in a judgment-free zone.

  • Feedback You’re Looking For: 20 minutes of real-time, expert guidance and tailored feedback (the equivalent of 2 ½ days of prep time in one 4-hour workshop) from professional storytellers and like-minded attorneys so you can avoid making costly mistakes in trial

Acting for Trial Lawyers

What would it be worth to have a team of consultants for a day to prevent  costly trial mistakes?

Lawyer's Improv Workshop | Improv for Lawyers Near Me

Acting for Trial Lawyers 101

When: Saturday, November 16, 2024
Where: On Zoom
Time: 8am-12pm PT | 11am-3pm ET
Cost: $379

*This is a small group class. Your active participation, attention and collaboration is essential.

What participants are saying about Acting for Trial Lawyers 101

Who We’ve Worked With

DUI Defense Lawyers Association
Lawyer's Improv Workshop | Minnesota Board of Public Defense
Dallas Bar Association
Trial Lawyers University
Corporate Training | Alaska Association for Justice

Is Acting for Trial Lawyers 101 right for me?

Haus of Improv | Lawyer Improv Workshops

Acting for Trial Lawyers 101 is NOT for you if…

  • You’re looking for a magic pill to win every case, every time.

  • You think the job of an actor is to lie.

  • You missed your calling and would rather be an actor.

BUT Acting for Trial Lawyers 101 is perfect for you if…

  • You know that there’s no such thing as “winging it” in the courtroom.

  • You’re a truth seeking attorney that wants to make an honest connection with your fact-finders.

  • You’re ready to become a better storyteller and advocate for your client. 


Time-saving tools to familiarize or memorize your script- making eye contact easy and natural.


This method can reveal any areas that need editing or that create rabbit holes for your listeners. 


Acting for Trial Lawyers Near Me

Acting for Trial Lawyers 101

When: Saturday, November 16, 2024
Where: On Zoom
Time: 8am-12pm PT | 11am-3pm ET
Cost: $379

*This is a small group class. Your active participation, attention and collaboration is essential.

Frequently asked questions…

What is your cancellation policy?2023-11-13T16:31:05-08:00

Once a participant is registered with payment, any cancellations made 30-10 days prior to the workshop date will be subject to a 25% cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations less than 10 days prior to the workshop. However, if you change your mind within 48 hours of purchase, we will refund your full amount.

Additionally, enrollment for our online courses are fully transferable up to 24 hours before the workshop. Just reach out to us to let us know if you’d like to have a colleague take your space or transfer your registration to a future online session.

Can I observe a class?2023-11-13T15:09:04-08:00

Due to our privacy policy for registered participants, we do not allow non-registered participants to observe or audit our workshops.

I’m nervous performing in front of my peers. Is it a safe environment?2023-11-12T12:21:17-08:00

We get it. We still get nervous before performing on stage. In addition, receiving feedback from your peers can be uncomfortable. All feedback is guided to be constructive, respectful, and positive so you can feel safe and supported during the learning process. That’s our #1 priority.

Everyone in the class is there to learn and to offer advice to one another. You’ll learn just as much by watching your peers perform and you’ll want to give them the same encouraging feedback they gave you.

What kind of lawyers do you work with?2023-11-12T12:20:28-08:00

Although we primarily work with plaintiff’s, family, and criminal defense trial lawyers, we believe this workshop will improve any lawyer’s ability to succeed in their practice. Our participants have spanned 30 states, Canada and the UK.

What if I can’t make it because I’ve got a trial coming up?2023-11-12T12:15:24-08:00

Right before trial is the perfect time to take this workshop! THIS IS PART OF YOUR TRIAL PREP.  We’ll be working on your real-life case (just tweaked to protect any sensitive info).  The feedback you’ll receive can be applied immediately so you can avoid making costly mistakes at trial.

Can I do one-on-one work with you instead?2023-11-12T11:53:55-08:00

Absolutely! We offer one-on-one coaching based on your unique schedule.  Please contact for more details.

Do you offer scholarships?2023-11-12T11:53:12-08:00

Yes, we offer scholarships for certain circumstances. To find out if you qualify please email

Do I need to prepare anything?2023-10-09T23:07:12-07:00

Yes, each participant is expected to have 10-minutes of an opening statement prepared and ready to be presented to the group. You’ll be able to apply new tools to your performance to see instant improvement. Whether you write out every word of your opening, just write the major bullet points, or have a consultant or colleague write it- you’ll learn how to own it in the courtroom.

Isn’t acting about lying and being dramatic?2023-10-09T22:33:01-07:00

Actually, that’s not the reality at all.  Audiences can easily tell when an actor is not authentic. The job of an actor is to connect as truthfully as possible to their roles and deliver the most honest performance.  We’re introducing these tools to lawyers so they can ensure the same experience with their audience.

Can I take this class more than once?2023-10-09T22:31:57-07:00

This workshop is part of your trial prep, so if you have a new case you’re working on, then it’s a great time to revisit this course. Although you may not be surprised by the material covered, you’ll be surprised at how much more you’re able to master these techniques by revisiting them over and over again. Many of our participants return to class 3-4 times per year.

Do acting classes work on Zoom?2023-10-09T22:27:46-07:00

Yes!  Just like depositions or trials via Zoom have become an effective way to conduct your practice, so has learning trial skills.  We’ve perfected the experience so the virtual environment melts away. The win- all the benefits of a trial skills class without sitting in traffic. Plus, you can meet attorneys from all over the country!

Check out these quotes from participants about the zoom environment:

I like seeing other attorneys from other areas work and learning from their opening and their feedback to my opening–new faces and voices instead of local colleagues.- Fred B., Kansas City, MO

Since the onset of Covid, I have been amazed at how effective Zoom workshops are. In this instance, I learned a great deal by observing and the group critiquing the presentations of the other lawyers’ opening statements.- Mike W., Atlanta, GA

People complain about Zoom, but I think it’s great! It’s the platform where busy lawyers can fit workshops and feedback sessions into their schedules.- Susie I., Berkeley, CA

Yeah, as much as I enjoy the in-person stuff, I can’t travel as much anymore and need to warm up to Zoom as a ‘reasonable accommodation.’ And frankly, the HOI teaching, coaching, and mentoring is very engaging via Zoom.- Kevin K., Northampton, MA

What if I’ve already taken another class like this?2023-10-09T22:23:08-07:00

Many of our most successful clients have taken other presentation skills courses before and that’s OK. You can take what works best for you from every class. The difference- we’re introducing skills that are rooted in the techniques that modern actors use. It will give you an engaging and honest delivery of your opening statement that you won’t get anywhere else, because we’re career actors.

“I thought the exercises getting us to think about the feelings we want to evoke and the ways to get there were most illuminating, because that kind of instruction isn’t available anywhere else.”- Susie I., Berkeley, CA

I’ve already got a trial consultant. Can I still take this class?2023-10-09T21:17:40-07:00

Yes! We’ve worked with a number of attorneys who have an opening statement prepared by their consultant. Very few trial consultants have the background to help you deliver someone else’s words with familiarity and honesty. This workshop is essential to making words that aren’t yours sound natural. Because after all, you’re the one that has to own them in the courtroom.

What if I don’t want to be a comedian?2023-10-09T21:12:35-07:00

That’s good because we don’t want to turn you into one either.  Your work is serious and we want to empower you with techniques and strategies that will make a serious difference in your practice.  That being said, we can’t say you won’t have any fun taking this class because we believe that the more fun you are having in our programs, the more you’ll take away.

What work have you done as a theater artist?2023-10-09T21:10:56-07:00

Olivia Espinosa is an actor, director, and playwright.  She has over two decades of experience teaching performing arts, playwriting and dramaturgy (helping playwrights revise their play in preparation for production).

In 2022, she was nominated for best supporting performer in a play by BroadwayWorld San Diego for her performance as Lore/Nena in Azul (Diversionary Theater); American Mariachi (Denver Center New Play Summit); The Astronaut Farmworker, A Lonely Boy’s Guide to Survival… (La Jolla Playhouse POP Tour).

As a director, Olivia was honored as the recipient of Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s most prestigious award- The Phil Killian Directing Fellowship where she was assistant director to Bill Rauch on Off the Rails by Randy Reinholz, an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure highlighting the haunting and resilient stories of Native Americans during the U.S. Indian Boarding School movement. She’s also an ensemble member of Native Voices at the Autry in Los Angeles.

Olivia has assistant directed under many prominent Broadway directors at the La Jolla Playhouse, including Tony award winning director, Tina Landau.

But you’re actors. You don’t know the law, how can you help me?2023-10-09T20:29:07-07:00

We’re not lawyers. Isn’t that refreshing? In fact, your jury members are almost never lawyers, either. So isn’t it just as important to get non-lawyers input? As actors we’re in the business of using genuine emotions to perform a compelling story for an audience. This isn’t based on the latest science. These tools are based on emotion and, as actors, we’re in the business of emotions. In fact, some researchers have found that emotions account for up to 90% of decision-making.

Can I present an oral argument?2023-10-09T20:26:56-07:00

Although we have geared this class towards prepping opening statements, you’re absolutely welcome to use an upcoming or past oral argument. The tools you’ll gain are exactly the same. In fact, some of our first experiences teaching these acting techniques were for oral argument presentations.

Having issues with your purchase? Still not sure if this is for you? That’s OK! Contact us and we’ll answer any other questions you have.

Been burned by a verdict? You don’t have to wait until deliberation to find out how you come across to your judge or jury.


Haus of Improv | Lawyer Improv Workshops

Acting for Trial Lawyers 101

When: Saturday, November 16, 2024
Where: On Zoom
Time: 8am-12pm PT | 11am-3pm ET
Cost: $379

*This is a small group class. Your active participation, attention and collaboration is essential.

Cancellation Policy:

Once a participant is registered with payment, any cancellations made 30-10 days prior to the workshop date will be subject to a 25% cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations less than 10 days prior to the workshop.  However, if you change your mind within 48 hours of purchase, we will refund your full amount. 

Additionally, enrollment for our online courses are fully transferable up to 24 hours before the workshop. Just reach out to us to let us know if you’d like to have a colleague take your space or transfer your registration to a future online session.

View our Disclaimer Policy HERE

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